By enrolling in classes at Blinn, I understand that I have rights and responsibilities as follows:
Student Rights
- A student shall have the right to participate in a free exchange of ideas, and there shall be no College rule or administrative rule that in any way abridges the rights of freedom of speech, expression, petition, 和平集会,如美国宪法所规定的.S. Constitution. (FLA LEGAL; FLA LOCAL) (校园表达活动管理程序)
- A student shall have the right to participate in all areas and activities of the College, 不受任何形式的歧视, 包括骚扰, 以种族为基础, color, 国家或民族出身, religion, sex, disability, age, 或根据适用的联邦和州法律的退伍军人身份. (FA LEGAL; FB LOCAL; FFD LOCAL; FK LEGAL)
- A student shall have the right to know the specifics of how they will be evaluated in class, and to file a grade appeal if they feel they have not been graded properly. (FLDB LOCAL)
- A student has the right to personal privacy except as otherwise provided by law, 学生及校方均须遵守. (FJ LOCAL)
- A student subject to disciplinary action arising from violations of Student Rules shall be assured a fundamentally fair process as set forth in College policy. (FMA LOCAL)
- 学生应有权使用 学院消费者信息 as required in various Federal regulations and displayed on the College’s website.
- 学生有权提出申请 书面投诉 如果他们无法通过既定程序解决问题. (FLD LOCAL)
- A student has the responsibility to be fully acquainted with the published College student rules (found in the 大学威尼斯人博彩) and to comply with them, 以及所有联邦政府, state, and local laws.
- A student has the responsibility to be fully acquainted with the College’s billing policies as well as meet all financial obligations to the College. More details
- A student has the responsibility to maintain communication with the College, including reading their Blinn e-mails and keeping the College updated on addresses and phone numbers.
- 学生有责任寻求有关职业的投入, 专业选择, and selection of courses from various academic advising offices on campus, 转学机构的威尼斯人博彩/顾问, 还有其他威尼斯人娱乐城. All decisions related to academic coursework are ultimately the advisee’s responsibility.
- A student has the responsibility to show respect and honesty in disagreements with faculty, staff, administration, and others and to use the established channels to resolve complaints and concerns. (FLD LOCAL)
- A student has the responsibility to respect the rights and property of others, 包括其他学生, the faculty, 和学院官员. (FLB LOCAL)
- A student has the responsibility to maintain a level of behavior that is consistent in supporting the learning environment of the institution and to recognize the College’s obligation to provide an environment for learning. (FLB LOCAL)
The Blinn College District is committed to providing an educational climate that is conducive to the personal and professional development of each individual. 以确保这一承诺, Blinn has developed procedures for students to pursue grievances within the college community, 有必要采取这样的行动吗.
A student who has an unresolved disagreement or dissatisfaction with a faculty or staff member, 另一个学生, student group, or administrator has the right to file a 书面投诉 without prejudicing his or her status with the College.
It is Blinn's goal to assist all students in finding fair and just solutions to their concerns.
Students should refer to Blinn policy for specific types of complaints/appeals:
- 欺凌和约会暴力:FFE
- 歧视、骚扰和报复:FFDB
- 经济援助满足学业进步上诉
- 申诉等级:FLDB
- 学生的行为: FLB and FMA
- 学生宿舍:FG
Complaints about areas not addressed in formal policy should follow the general Student Complaint Policy ( FLD ). 在根据本政策提出书面投诉之前, the student must first have attempted to resolve the issue by discussing the concern with the person(s) involved (if possible) and the appropriate dean or supervisor.
学生对纪律的投诉, 性骚扰, 终审成绩申诉, 学生宿舍申诉将由单独的程序处理. 本政策仅作为申诉的一种方式. See:
- FFD for initial complaints regarding discrimination, harassment, and retaliation
- FFE 关于欺凌和约会暴力的初步投诉
- FG 处理有关学生宿舍的投诉
- FLDB 课程成绩投诉
- FMA 纪律聆讯程序
This complaint process is not intended to address appeals related to decisions made in routine College matters where appeal processes have been outlined.
For assistance in determining the correct procedure to follow or to identify the appropriate dean or supervisor for informal resolution, 学生可联络:
The 大学威尼斯人博彩 也是政策和程序细节的来源.
- If a student cannot resolve his/her concern informally as described above, 学生可以填写以下表格之一:
- The Office of the Vice Chancellor for 学生服务 (or designate) will review the submitted complaint and may request an appointment with the student to discuss the complaint.
- The Vice Chancellor or designate will make a decision concerning the complaint and communicate the decision to the student in writing within thirty (30) days from when the complaint was filed. 这一决定是终局的,不能上诉. The record of the complaint including the decision will be filed in the Office of the Vice Chancellor for 学生服务:
Per the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board (THECB) codified rules under Title 19 of the Texas Administrative Code, Sections 1.110 – 1.120, 在用尽该机构的申诉/投诉程序后, current, former, 未来的学生可以向欧洲中央银行投诉. 有关此过程的详细信息,请参阅欧洲央行网站.