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Quality Enhancement Plan (QEP)

作为与南方学院和学校协会学院委员会(SACSCOC) 10年重申过程的一部分, 所有的学院和大学都被要求制定一个质量评估计划,重点是提高特定学生的学习成果.

Blinn的QEP名为“视野:通往扫盲之路”,旨在通过以扫盲为重点的教学法支持发展性教育学生的学业成功, professional development for faculty and tutors, and academic advising.

QEP Steering Committee

Clay Redding, QEP Director

Dr. April Kinkead, QEP Co-Director

Current Members

Dr. Marcelo Bussiki, Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs

Sandra Chumchal, Department Head, Parallel Studies

Victoria Fowler, Assistant Dean, Mathematics

Dr. Joyce Langenegger, Dean, Academic Support Services

Dr. Kenneth Masenda, Dean, Student Engagement

Dr. Michelle McGehee, Dean for Academic Affairs

Dr. Charles Smith, Dean, Business and Mathematics

Dr. Katherine Wickes, Assistant Dean, Psychology


Dr. Deeanna Antosh, Mathematics

Reanna Carr, Mathematics

Julie Coskey, Mathematics

Dr. Mischa Enos, Parallel Studies

Martha Johnson, Parallel Studies

Dr. Jim Lanfrey, Parallel Studies

Dr. Judith Lanfrey, Parallel Studies

Dr. Heather Mathison, Mathematics

Dr. Emily Monteiro, Parallel Studies

Aaron Penton, Parallel Studies

David Perez, Parallel Studies

Dillon Phipps, Parallel Studies

Kevin Still, Parallel Studies

Lisa Wall, Parallel Studies

Jennifer Wellman, Mathematics

2021 Focus Groups Participants

FutureWorks Leadership Academy

Instructional Divisions’ Faculty and Staff

Student Government Association

Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society


Contact Us

Computer Lab

Clay Redding, QEP Director
Phone: 979-209-7555

Dr. April Kinkead, QEP Co-Director
Phone: 979-209-8028

Quality Enhancement Plan FAQ

“质量提升计划是认证过程重申的一个组成部分,源自机构正在进行的全面规划和评估过程。. 它反映和肯定了学校的承诺,通过关注学校认为对改善学生学习成果和/或学生成功很重要的问题,提高学校的整体质量和效率. 机构提交的文件表明,其QEP (a)通过其正在进行的工作确定了一个主题, comprehensive planning and evaluation processes; (b) has broad-based support of institutional constituencies; (c) focuses on improving specific student learning outcomes and/or student success; (d) commits resources to initiate, implement and complete the QEP; and (e) includes a plan to assess achievement. 现场确认委员会审查文件并进行面谈,以确定机构是否已证明符合标准7.2.”

QEP不仅对SACSCOC的认证重申是必要的, 而且它还将整个学院的重点放在一个旨在支持学生成功和提高学生成绩的威尼斯人娱乐城上. As part of an ongoing, comprehensive planning and evaluation process, 学院确定了一个需要改进的领域,这将对学生的成功和成就产生长期影响.

Horizons: A Pathway to Literacy 是由在威尼斯人博彩区举行的一系列焦点小组讨论演变而来的, 因此,学院的选区一致同意支持准备不足的学生. Therefore, QEP委员会审查了内部数据,决定将重点放在未通过德州成功倡议评估(TSIA)的入学学生身上。.  数据显示,在新冠疫情大流行后,这一人口在威尼斯人博彩不断增长,占威尼斯人博彩区学生的很大比例.

威尼斯人博彩的QEP旨在为发展型学生提供强大的能力 通过提供以读写能力为重点的指导和为QEP人口提供 enhanced 由学院的学习中心、写作中心和图书馆支持服务提供辅导. 威尼斯人博彩的学生服务部将在指导建议方面发挥关键作用,确保学生在注册课程之前接受深入的建议. 为教师、学习中心和写作中心导师提供以素养为中心的教学法, the Center for Teaching and Learning will provide professional development in the form of workshops, conferences, student and faculty eCampus literacy modules, among other initiatives.

越来越多的学生进入威尼斯人博彩缺乏实力, 大学水平的读写能力(大学水平的读写能力), 是什么引起了大学社区越来越多的关注. Horizons: A Pathway to Literacy 为发展性教育学生提供指导建议, enhanced tutoring, and literacy-focused instruction.

所有威尼斯人博彩区的员工都被邀请参加学院范围内的倡议,熟悉学院的QEP, support its goals, as appropriate to one’s role in the College, 并成为QEP及其成员的倡导者.

威尼斯人博彩的质量提升计划是战略性的, 实施得非常早,以允许试点计划和航向修正, if necessary, prior to submission to the SACSCOC. The following is the QEP timeline.

  • QEP Organization (Spring 2021)​
  • Breakout Groups Explore New QEP Focus (Spring 2021)​
  • 向行政会议提交质素保证计划建议(2022年春季)
  • 关于QEP设计批准的董事会报告(2022年秋季)
  • Update Board of Trustees on new design (Spring 2024)
  • 组织、设计、营销、IRE规划(2023年春季- 2024年夏季)
  • Pilot and Submission to SACSCOC (Fall 2024)​
  • Reaffirmation Visit and QEP Presentation (Fall 2024)​
  • Implementation (2025-2029)​

Quality Enhancement Plan (QEP) Home Quality Enhancement Plan FAQs